Fidens alarm d.o.o. je tvrtka specijalizirana za velike i kompleksne sigurnosne sustave. U zahtjevnim objektima ugrađuje se oprema koja mora biti pouzdana i bez lažnih alarma. Zbog toga preferiramo isključivo sigurnosnu opremu proizvođača koji je broj jedan u svijetu – Bosch Security and Safety Systems.

Svi naši korisnici koji su odabrali Bosch opremu uvjerili su se da su servisi svedeni isključivo na redovne servisne preglede.

Korisnici kojima smo stare vatrodojave zamijenili novim Bosch vatrodojavama više nemaju troškove za bezbrojne servisne intervencije čiji je uzrok većinom jeftina i nekvalitetna oprema (greške javljača, duple adrese, i sl.).

Dobra vijest za sve naše postojeće ali i buduće korisnike je da od srpnja 2015. dajemo

5 godina stvarne garancije na Bosch vatrodojavne sustave!

Ukoliko niste zadovoljni vatrodojavnim sustavom u vašem objektu, bez obveze nas kontaktirajte za procjenu troškova zamjene za Bosch vatrodojavu. Ugodno ćete se iznenaditi.

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Fidens alarm Ltd. is a company specialized for large and complex security and safety systems. In the essential buildings it is necessary to install equipment which is reliable and without false alarms. Therefore, we prefer only manufacturer of security equipment which is number one in the world Bosch Security and Safety Systems.

All of our users who have chosen Bosch equipment were convinced that the services are reduced to a regular service inspections.

Users to whom we replaced the old fire alarm system with a new Bosch system have no longer costs of countless service interventions which cause is mostly cheap and poor quality of old equipment (fault detectors, double addresses, etc.).

Good news for all our existing and future customers is that, from July 2015, we give

5 years of real warranty on Bosch fire alarm systems!

If you are not satisfied with the fire alarm system in your facility, without obligation, please contact us to estimate the cost of replacing with Bosch fire alarm system. You will be pleasantly surprised.